Saturday, 24 September 2011

The Things Woman Discuss About Their Man:)

Or other people’s man. I realized when a bunch of ladies sit together, they can’t help but to talk about the significant things their spouse did, or some amazing traits they see in their or someone else’s partner. It  is fun to share what we see (in the couple of others) and we experience by ourselves (from our partners) with closests friends. As if we said“good, let’s put all the notable qualities on the table and scrutinize them one by one”, LOL.

Sounds familiar ladies? We’ve all had this and we’ll be having it again on our next meal together :P Men, are you itching to know what we discuss about you? Here’s a fun list I’ve compiled together with my girlfriends. The Things Women Discuss about Their (And Someone Else’s) Man.

“He is beyond romantic!”

Posted romantic chapters, must want / not want the discussion topic was knocked so well. All women want  romantic's guys, not so surprising that the topic of conversation. Little things like SMS in the morning even can be proud, just because not all men do. Or surprises that our friends of the couple he can, we must story to others. Because we are happy because that type of men is still exists . Even our boyfriend send raya cards for us and family even want to announce.

“He is always willing”

Next is talking about tolerance level. More high tolerance level for a man, yet profit-mate from our view.

Islamic Deeds

Islamic deeds like how? Simple things that remind us to draw closer to God. Girls, was proud if thier partner have the characteristics of a man who is able to lead. Although it is not possible until qualified in the young priest,just have even faith Hint quite soothing.

“He does this and that to impress my parents”

Why is this a topic of discussion? Because efforts should never go unnoticed!

“He did not just buy you that!”

Most of the time of course we are proud to have people want to spend so much money on us. But it is always open for discussion when someone asked, or asks.

Jealousy Level

This is adorable. We like to discuss your Jealousy level. Jealousy shows that you're afraid to lose someone. So when the boyfriend / husband anyone of us feel jealous (that thrift alone) should we feel it is sooo sweeeet. Alololo...

Gentleman Quality

This must be present. Qualities gentleman is still valuable in this sophisticated century. Small gestures that show a man that gentleman is so the essence of the conversation the women who sat gossiping together.

Him? House chores?”

We do not talk about you play football in the afternoon. We do not talk about you want to go to the gym and well-built muscular body. We love to talk if you kind of diligent in house.

Young moneyh!

It is true that career of engineer / pilot / manager is excellent. But our attention is, what you do besides that, -your side income. Whether you're free to sustain in the uncertain economy with your money-making talent. Knowing that you can provide security to your lady gets our credit.

That's it so far. Girls, some want to add? : P

- nurul jannah :) -


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