Saturday, 3 September 2011

Type of Ghost in human WoRld

Vortexes: Somewhat less common than orbs are those little clouds or wisps of light that sometimes appear in photos known as vortexes (or, sometimes, vortices.) Usually appearing as a swirling spiral of light (though they can also be more substantive as well, sometimes taking on the form of an apparently opaque shape, often of considerable size) they, like their cousin the orb, are also thought to be spiritual energies in the process of manifesting themselves, but ones that are closer to achieving that goal than are their spherical cousins. In other words, a vortex can be thought of as an orb that is in the process of moving 'outside' the confines of its energy bubble in an effort to take on a more human-like form.

Like orbs, vortexes too are usually dismissed as reflections of light off either exhaled breath or cigarette smoke, while the more substantive opaque shapes can be explained away as camera straps or some other object that has inadvertently fallen in front of the lens (human hair makes for especially good and 'spooky' vortexes). Again, like the 'orbs as dust' theory, this explanation probably does account for the majority of vortexes caught on film (especially those taken by amateurs.) It's extremely easy to forget about objects inadvertently placed in front of a camera lens and then enthusiastically proclaim the resultant anomaly a 'ghost', so this explanation does carry considerable weight.

However, vortexes have their defenders as well, who maintain that 'true' vortexes look nothing at all like exhaled breath or cigarette smoke, but instead have an eerily unique and unusual pattern all their own. Additionally, they also point out that vortexes shot by careful investigators need to be taken seriously, since such people are usually meticulous about ensuring that camera straps are removed and people are not smoking in the vicinity at the time the photo is taken. Then there are even those vortexes that seem to be forming limbs and other recognizable human features to consider. Though these can be the result of the eye wanting to bring order to a random swirl of mist (a type of rhorsach effect) some of the best vortex photos truly do appear remarkable, so it would be unwise to dismiss all of them as simple tricks of the eye or ham-handed incompetence.

Full Body Manifestations: The 'holy grail' of all spirit photos is the rare full body manifestation. These are images of a recognizable human (or, sometimes, an animal) in which the subject appears either partially or fully formed and usually transparent (at least in part.) In some cases, the figure is clear enough to be readily identifiable by the deceased's friends or family, making them even more valuable as evidence of paranormal activity.
Full body manifestations usually appear quite unexpectedly on photos, most commonly in the background of a portrait. In some of the more remarkable examples, they can even appear quite solid and seem to be interacting with the cameraman, just as a person often does in life. It is almost as if they are posing for a picture, as though they are either unaware or unwilling to accept their own death, or wish to continue to do the same things they did before death. There are a number of instances where the image of a dead soldier or airman appears in a group photo standing behind his still living mates, as if he refuses to break those close bonds that often exists among men who have been through combat together. Still others, however, seem oblivious to the camera, and often appear to be about much the same routine they maintained while alive. This leads one to speculate whether the ghost is aware the camera is capturing their image, or is simply choosing to ignore it. While it certainly seems that some ghosts are quite aware they are being photographed, there is no way of knowing whether this is true of all ghosts.
Only about a dozen really superb full body manifestation photos exist, and these constitute some of the best evidence of paranormal phenomenon on record but, as I said earlier, they will never constitute proof of ghosts simply because even the very best spirit photos are capable of being hoaxed. They are tantalizing tastes of what sophisticated equipment might be capable of recording, but seem forever fated to remain just outside the realm of empirical evidence. That's not to say that one day a few seconds of clear, crisp footage of a full color apparition walking down a stairs in front of a room full of witnesses may not earn a very close and serious look; it's just that scientific standards of what constitutes proof are unlikely ever to be met by a bit of flickering celluloid or magnetic tape, no matter how convincing it might be.

Orbs: An orb is basically a ball of light that appears unexpectedly in a photo. Normally white or bluish in color, one or more may appear on an otherwise normal photograph, and are occasionally captured on videotape as well (in which case they are usually moving, often at a high rate of speed.) They are hypothesized by some researchers to be basic manifestations of spiritual energy in its simplest and most primitive form. In other words, it is thought by some that an orb is a ghost that is in the most early stage of manifesting, its essence being contained within a tiny globe of pure energy like air inside a bubble.

Many researchers, however, reject this notion. Even some 'ghost hunters' do not accept the 'orb as energy' theory, dismissing the little balls of light as lens flare or merely reflections of light off airborne particles such as dust, snow, drizzle, or even insects that have wandered in front of the camera just as the flash goes off. They correctly point out that many times pictures are taken in dusty, dark rooms where the smallest particles of airborne material can reflect the flash of a camera to stand out in stark contrast to the darkness of the background. In the hands of inexperienced or overly enthusiastic ghost hunters, then, every blob of light on a photo thus becomes a 'ghost'-much to the chagrin of their more careful and somber colleagues.

That most orbs are flash reflections off some airborne particle of dust is probably valid and, like the overwhelming majority of UFO photos, most orb photos undoubtedly can be explained away as such. However, there are those who insist on accepting at least some orbs as ghostly manifestations, pointing out that they are sometimes found on photos that did not use a flash or are taken during the day. It is also difficult to understand why, if orbs are simply reflections of particles of dust, they don't appear on every picture taken in the same area by the same camera. If one is dealing with a natural phenomenon such as dust or flying insects, orbs should be seen on nearly every photo. Also, it doesn't explain why they so frequently appear on photos taken at 'haunted sites' but are so seldom seen on other photos taken under similar circumstances. The author, for example, has taken or seen literally thousands of photos over the years shot under all kinds of lighting conditions, both indoor and out, and has never found even a trace of an orb or other inexplicable reflection. While that my not be particularly significant, the fact that they seem to only appear on photos taken at haunted locations must be considered at least interesting.
Finally, there are others who are quick to point out that true orbs do not 'sparkle' the way reflected light would off a dust particle, but are instead more generally more opaque and, in some cases, even appear to have rings within them. Additionally, some that have appeared on video cameras are occasionally seen to abruptly change direction or make other 'unnatural' movements that would seem to argue against them being natural objects. That doesn't prove they are paranormal energies of course, but they do imply that the light refraction theory doesn't seem to go far enough in explaining all of these anomalies with any degree of thoroughnes

 Farhan/ 5 efisien

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